Getting Started in Vintage Reselling

Getting Started in Vintage Reselling

Find Your Why and Let It Inspire You

Have you ever found yourself mesmerized by a unique piece from a bygone era, stunning MCM furniture with a story to tell or an accessory that feels like it has lived through generations? If so, you may have wondered what it would be like to become a vintage reseller. The good news is, starting your own vintage reselling business can be both rewarding and achievable – no matter where you are in your journey.

Before diving into the world of vintage reselling, ask yourself one important question: "Why do I want to do this?" Understanding your motivation will not only guide your decisions, but it will also keep you inspired through the challenges.

Are you someone who loves uncovering hidden trinkets and giving them new life? Maybe it’s your passion for sustainability and you see reselling as a way to encourage people to shop more consciously. Or perhaps you simply just need a side hustle! Whatever your reason, this “why” will serve as your guide. It will help you maintain focus when you have a plethora of options to choose from (when sourcing) or it will give you the boost when sales seem slow.

Vintage reselling is more than just the monetary transaction – it’s about telling stories or curating a collection while connecting with others who share your passion. Each piece you find has a history and as you bring that part of history into the present keep in mind it can reflect on you. 

Ask yourself: "What inspires me about vintage pieces?" Are you into culinary arts and want to focus on vintage kitchenware? Do you want to catalog the history of swung of vases while curating a niche collection to sell? Want to bring back nostalgic toys of your childhood? Or do you want to free for all it encouraging people to buy secondhand?

Your personal inspiration will shape the way you curate your items and build your brand. When you’re passionate about what you’re selling, that energy is contagious, and customers can feel it too.

Where and How Should I Start?

Like any business venture, it's important to set up a budget before getting started but when it comes to reselling this can work in a different way. If you have inventory in house (things you just want to get rid of) - you can start there by having a yard sale, listing online or using an options that have low overhead essentially launching with no budget (except for your time & possibly shipping supplies).

Butttttt . . . if this is a fresh start, here's a few tips:

Set a starting amount for buying inventory first as well as reserving an amount for supplies and branding material.

Start off slow by RESEARCHING the resell price of everything you source. If it's not going to make you money don't do it. Starting off with duds (like buying retail just to have items to sell) is not going to help your business or your motivation.

Your time is also a part of your budget - sourcing isn't free! It takes gas, time, gas, time, gas and more time. 

TRACK YOURSELF!!! Keep a log of how much you’re spending on inventory, selling price, shipping cost. This will help you make adjustments because sometimes selling xyz sounds great on paper and doesn't pan out that way.

Choosing the right platform to sell your vintage items can also determine your budget or what you need to get started. You can sign up on eBay, list your Grandma's old boots and sell them within the hour but if you want to set up a your local flea market, you're going to need a little more than Grandma's boots and a phone. If you want to set up a booth - that is a WHOLE OTHER kind of budget/expense.

Think about what you're comfortable with, what's going to work for you and your availability and resources. If you plan on starting a booth or vend at shows - do you have the space to store your inventory in between? If you want to sell vintage clothing during online auctions - do you have a place to host and showcase? There are so many options for reselling from online marketplaces, social media and in person - find what suits you OR try them all! 

Whatever route you take, make sure to present your items well! Good pictures, accurate descriptions, clean pieces, clearly written tags - you might start small but start STRONG.

Your vintage reselling journey is uniquely yours. Finding your why, starting small, staying inspired and continuously learning will lead you to success. Now go on and start treasure hunting!

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